
People often ask what our services are like, and here’s a bit of a flavour…
We can be guilty of using jargon, so do look at the end of this page if you need a phrase or two explaining…


A clock sitting on top of a wooden table8am: Our Early Morning Gathering 
It’s the service you want to wake up to: simple and spoken. here’s lots of space to contemplate and reflect and then you can go out and enjoy the rest of the day.
Once a month, we have a BCP ........ more


10am: Our Family Gathering.
It is for all ages and is multi-generational. It’s friendly, with lots of laughter and activity  from our babes and toddlers, with a thriving Junior Church and youth scene.  Expect a bit of tradition ......... more


Dwelling6.30pm: This is our Dwelling time. 
We call these ‘Dwelling’ as we slow down, and spend time with each other and with God.  Expect thought provoking sermons, with a greater range of styles to suit all tastes including Taize ........more



celebrationsAnd then there are the Celebrations & Commemorations.

Just as any birthday or big event calls for a special celebration, so our year is punctuated by special events.  Be that the huge services over Christmas with the traditional Advent Carols .... more

During the Week:

Sundays are not the only time that we meet together, and for some of us we can’t do Sundays so look for something mid-week where we can worship and keep in touch with each other. 

11am WednesdayWeds 11am: The Mid-Week Catch up
We know that many of our family are at work, but some of us, be we retired, at home with our children or working from home, still like to gather mid week  .... more



8.30am:Thursday: Morning Prayer

We have a committed core who pray  each Thursday morning.  Anyone is welcome to join in as we pray for the tasks of the day, and  for any specific needs that people might have.  ........  more

2pm on the second Thursday of the month: Julian Meeting.

St Edmunds has re established its contemplative Julian prayer meeting. The Julian meeting follows the traditions of Julian of Norwich. We meet for a  guided short reflection  and a time of contemplative prayer: followed by refreshments  if you would like to stay on for that.  The meetings take place in church from 2 to 3pm on the second Tuesday of every month. 

Jargon Buster!


We’re aware that we often use words and titles that can be confusing. 

Here’s a bit of an explanation of some of the service titles that you might see:

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